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Europe Invests in Safer Truck Parking and Green Transport: €60 Million Awarded, New Funding Call Coming in September!

The European Commission has announced the results of the 2023 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) call for project proposals, highlighting significant investments in transport infrastructure.

Notably, more than EUR 60 million has been awarded for the construction and upgrade of 10 safe and secure truck parking areas across Europe.

This funding is part of a broader CEF initiative to support sustainable, smart, and resilient transport networks across the European Union. In total, EUR 7.1 billion has been allocated to 134 transport infrastructure projects, selected from 408 applications. These projects are aligned with the European Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, focusing on developing railways, inland waterways, roads, and short-sea shipping routes. The projects also include major cross-border rail connections, such as Rail Baltica and the Lyon-Turin line, and improvements to cross-border points with Ukraine and Moldova to facilitate smoother traffic flows.

In addition to transport, CEF is also investing nearly EUR 600 million in energy infrastructure to enhance decarbonisation and security of supply. This funding supports eight cross-border energy projects, including five CO2 networks, one gas storage project, and two electricity sector projects. A notable EUR 480 million will be allocated to four CO2 transport and storage projects, contributing to the EU’s 2030 decarbonisation goals by establishing foundational elements of a Europe-wide carbon value chain.

The CEF programme continues to provide significant opportunities for funding, with upcoming calls for proposals under the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility – whose closest shortcut date its set for the 24th of September 2024, and the upcoming are set for June and December 2025, and the next CEF Transport calls for proposal, which will be launched towards late September 2024.

Since 2014, CEF has supported over 1,500 transport projects with a total investment of EUR 37.5 billion, underscoring the EU’s commitment to developing a comprehensive, sustainable, and interconnected transport and energy network across Europe.

If you have an innovative project that aligns with the goals of the CEF, we encourage you to reach out to us for guidance and support in preparing your proposal. Let’s work together to build a more sustainable and efficient future for Europe’s transport and energy infrastructure.

To learn more about expanding your opportunities for project funding, contact EUFUNDINGHUB !

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