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EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK: Promoting Sustainable Urban Mobility

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign dedicated to promoting sustainable urban mobility. This year, from September 16-22, cities and towns across Europe come together to encourage behavioural change towards active mobility, public transport, and other clean, intelligent transport solutions.

The campaign culminates in the popular Car-Free Day, where urban areas are transformed to showcase the benefits of reduced car usage.

Local authorities are encouraged to use this week to experiment with innovative planning measures, introduce new infrastructure and technologies, monitor air quality, and engage with the public to gather valuable feedback. The success and visibility of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK have grown steadily, with more towns and cities joining annually. It has become a major force in advancing sustainable urban mobility not just within Europe, but globally.

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is not just about a single week in September. Through Mobility Actions, businesses, civil society organisations, educational institutions, and municipalities are encouraged to promote sustainable urban mobility throughout the year. Whether it’s encouraging commuters to shift to public transport or fostering active mobility, these initiatives can be registered on the campaign’s platform, offering participants the opportunity to share their success stories on a broader stage.

To celebrate and incentivize outstanding efforts in sustainable mobility, EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK presents two prestigious awards: the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Award that honors local authorities that excel in promoting sustainable urban mobility during the main event week and the MOBILITYACTION Award recognizes businesses, civil society organizations, educational institutions, and municipalities for excellence in sustainable mobility initiatives implemented throughout the year.

Join the Movement

As the campaign continues to expand, the call is out for more towns, cities, businesses, and organizations to get involved. Registration is now open for this year’s EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, offering a platform to showcase commitment to sustainable mobility and share innovative solutions with a wider audience.

Join the movement: Registration is open for this year’s events. Learn more and participate here.

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