Welcome 2025!
The EU funding programme Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) has just published a new call for proposals. The lump-sum grant has its deadline on 29 April 2025 and has a budget of EUR 33 million.
CERV aims to protect and promote rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights in particular by supporting civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and transnational level.
This call for proposals aims to promote citizens’ and representative associations’ participation in the democratic and civic life of the Union. The focus is on making citizens’ views known and facilitating public exchanges on various EU-related issues. Proposed projects shall match with the following impacts:
Increased citizens’ awareness of rights and EU values and increasing their engagement in society and with the EU
Enhanced opportunities for citizens to express and make their views know about what kind of Europe they want and to outline their long-term vision for the future of European integration
Improved knowledge and understanding by the citizens of EU institutions and policies as well as of the EU’s achievements and benefits
Increased citizens’ empowerment to get involved in decision-making from local to EU levels
Increased citizens’ empowerment to make their voices heard by the relevant political authorities and decision makers, thus helping them make an impact in practice;
Increased active participation of people from different backgrounds in the EU policymaking process and thus increased contribution to the democratic and civic life of the Union
Increased citizens’ situational awareness, resilience and preparedness to counter disinformation and information manipulation
Increased citizens’ awareness and understanding of SLAPPs and a safer and more enabling environment for journalism
Strengthened democratic participation, with a special focus on inclusion of younger and older people, women, mobile EU citizens and people with disabilities, and on reaching those citizens not active in civic participation in their everyday life.
Priorities for Funding
Priority 1: Promoting exchanges on future Union policy priorities and challenges
Priority 2: Countering disinformation, information manipulation and interference in the democratic debate
Priority 3: Promoting citizens’ active engagement and democratic participation
On 20 February 2025 the information session about the call for proposals will provide details about CIV25 funding opportunities, including call’s objectives, eligibility criteria, and application process.
To learn more about expanding your opportunities for project funding, contact EUFUNDINGHUB !
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